Walgreens and Prime Therapeutics central specialty and home delivery pharmacies are now AllianceRx Walgreens Prime. We’re combining our strengths to provide you and your patients with more choices and coverage than ever before. At AllianceRx Walgreens Prime, we realize easy access to medication is at the heart of better care. Our passion is personal.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I e-prescribe to AllianceRx Walgreens Prime for specialty medicines?

To provide the best access possible, our central specialty pharmacies are located in key regions across the country. While some restrictions may apply, you can usually send the prescription to whichever location listed below is closest to your patient

Cystic fibrosis prescription referrals may be sent to any of our locations as well as our dedicated cystic fibrosis pharmacy.

If you are unsure where to send a prescription to, please call us at 855-244-2555.

Address Phone E-prescribing Name Fax
Beaverton, OR
9775 SW Gemini Drive
Suite 1
Beaverton, OR 97008
866-202-4014 AllianceRx WALGREENS
Canton, MI
41460 Haggerty Circle South
Canton, MI 48188
888-282-5166 AllianceRx WALGREENS
Frisco, TX
10530 John W. Elliott Drive
Suite 100
Frisco, TX 75033
800-424-9002 AllianceRx WALGREENS
Pittsburgh, PA
130 Enterprise Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275
888-347-3416 AllianceRx WALGREENS
Cystic fibrosis pharmacy
10530 John W. Elliott Drive,
Suite 200
Frisco, TX 75033
800-541-4959 AllianceRx WALGREENS
Address E-prescribing Name
Beaverton, OR
9775 SW Gemini Drive
Suite 1
Beaverton, OR 97008
Phone: 866-202-4014
Fax: 866-493-2546
Canton, MI
41460 Haggerty Circle South
Canton, MI 48188
Phone: 888-282-5166
Fax: 888-570-4700
Frisco, TX
10530 John W. Elliott Drive
Suite 100
Frisco, TX 75033
Phone: 800-424-9002
Fax: 888-380-6181
Pittsburgh, PA
130 Enterprise Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275
Phone: 888-347-3416
Fax: 877-235-9807
Cystic fibrosis Pharmacy
10530 John W. Elliott Drive
Suite 200
Frisco, TX 75033
Phone: 800-541-4959
Fax: 800-263-0251
How do I e-prescribe for mail service or home delivery prescriptions?

Our new name will begin to show up in electronic medical record (EMR/EHR) systems in April. You may need to refresh your system for our new name to show up, but our phone and fax number remain the same. If you still see us listed under our old names, you can also continue to e-prescribe to those locations until your EMR system reflects our updated name.

My patient is insured for their specialty pharmacy benefit under the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Federal Employee Program. Where should I send their prescriptions?

To make a referral for members of the Federal Employee Program, contact us by phone: 888-346-3731, fax: 866-819-8346 or e-prescribe: AllianceRx Walgreens Prime-SPEC-FL.

Why is a different AllianceRx Walgreens Prime pharmacy location contacting me other than the one I sent the prescription to?

Your patient may have a health plan that requires us to only use one of our locations to fill for their members. Or, a pharmaceutical manufacturer may have a limited distribution network that requires us to fill certain medications from certain locations. If you’re unsure where to send a specialty prescription, contact us at 855-244-2555; if this is a home delivery prescription, contact us at 888-211-9028.

How do I fax you a prescription?

You can download and fax the patient referral form.

Download Patient Referral Form.

Who do I contact if I have questions or to follow up on a patient’s prescription?

For specialty pharmacy prescriptions, please call 855-244-2555 or contact your AllianceRx Walgreens Prime representative.

For home delivery prescriptions, please call 888-211-9028.

Can I still refer patients to Walgreens local specialty pharmacies for specialty prescriptions?

Absolutely. You can still refer patients to a Walgreens local specialty pharmacy. Note: access may differ by payer.

Also, depending on your state’s Board of Pharmacy requirements and patient’s health plan, a patient may choose to pick up their specialty medication at any Walgreens local specialty pharmacy, neighborhood Walgreens, or Duane Reade. This added convenience is an additional benefit of AllianceRx Walgreens Prime to patients who used to fill through Prime Specialty Pharmacy.

Will AllianceRx Walgreens Prime help with prior authorizations and insurance appeals?

We strive to assist where we can to save you time. Our expert specialists conduct a complete review of benefits, help facilitate the prior authorization process, and communicate with physician offices and insurance companies to assist with insurance appeals, all to ensure patients receive their medications as soon as possible.

For links to electronic prior authorizations, please go to www.covermymeds.com.

Will AllianceRx Walgreens Prime provide copay assistance for specialty patients?

We work closely with drug manufacturers and patient assistance groups to help ease copay costs so patients can begin their prescribed therapy as soon as possible.

Why did Walgreens and Prime Therapeutics enter into this relationship?

Walgreens and Prime Therapeutics have formed a collaboration to provide central specialty pharmacy services to patients with complex conditions. AllianceRx Walgreens Prime combines our strengths and provides you and your patients with more choices and coverage than ever before:

  • Expanded access to health plans and hard-to-find medications. Means lower
    copays, fast prescription delivery for your patients and less hassle for you.
  • Financial assistance coordination. Over the past two years, we’ve connected
    patients to more than $500 million in financial assistance.*
  • Prior authorization facilitation-assisting where we can to save you time.
  • Connected Care clinical support-to help patients succeed on therapy with services
    that range from patient check-ins to personalized provider communications.
  • National presence, neighborhood convenience. Depending on their health plan, patients can receive specialty medications at home, work, doctor’s office, Walgreens local specialty pharmacy or neighborhood Walgreens or Duane Reade.
  • These additional high-value services may result in improved patient satisfaction, medication adherence, and health outcomes.

    *Source: Sep. 2014 – Aug. 2016 combined across all disease states for Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy data. www.covermymeds.com

Why am I still getting emails from Walgreens Mail Service?

The emails are valid and contact current information. While we continue to update all of our systems and communications, you may receive some materials with our former name. You will continue to see these transition to our new name AllianceRx Walgreens Prime through the Summer 2018.

For any questions not addressed above, please call your AllianceRx Walgreens Prime representative. Or for Specialty Pharmacy, call 855-244-2555. For Home Delivery Pharmacy, call 888-211-9028.

Still have questions about AllianceRx Walgreens Prime?
Check out the press release



Still have questions about

AllianceRx Walgreens Prime? Check out the

press release